Sentencing Before the Verdict

So Saddam is going to be hanged. We heard this sentence last week. Our nation invaded another nation, captured its leader, and is now going to execute that leader. Sure, it’s supposedly the Iraqis putting Saddam on trial, but we know the real truth, don’t we?

How do we know that it’s the United States of America behind the sentence? It’s very simple. The sentence was timed to coincide with US elections. Sure, that’s a very cynical comment, but how often do you sentence someone on trial before the verdict is even known? It turns out the verdict on Saddam won’t be ready until Thursday. So why else would it be so important to come in with a sentence of hanging before the verdict is even published?

Time to get out and vote, folks… As former US Deputy Secretary of State said yesterday to a gathering in Australia, “it’s time to turn another face to the world and get back to more traditional things, such as the export of hope and opportunity and inspiration.” When you find yourself agreeing with the same guy who threatened to “bomb [Pakistan] back to the stone age,” you know some serious winds of change are blowing.

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