Month January 2006

Alito Confirmed (or just about)

Right about now, the Senate should be voting on confirming Samuel Alito as the newest Supreme Court Justice. I don’t need to tell you what this means to the country. In much the same way that many Americans thought it…

Why Bushie Can’t Read

Here’s the problem with electing a guy who “you’d like to have a beer with.” Actually, there are a lot of problems with it, but the key one is that Bush evidently cannot read, or just doesn’t want to. Government…

More Blood on Bush’s Hands

Each time we hear the phrase, “we’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here,” we should remember that there are real people dying in Iraq. These are real people who had real lives and real…

Air America Premium

Air America has just launched a Premium Service where you can subscribe to Podcasts of any show, or stream them on demand. Very cool. I’m already a subscriber. Now, instead of listening to Randi Rhodes from 3-7, I can listen…

More Hannity Lies

Strange that I should come across this article today about how someone wants the Washington Post to correct a piece that ran saying that Grand GOP Lobbying King, Jack Abramoff gave to Democrats as well as Republicans (apparently, he didn’t).…