Month November 2006

Bush Personally Authorized Torture?

Check it out. The CIA has admitted it has legal documents signed by George W. Bush “that have guided the agency’s interrogation and detention of terror suspects.” The documents themselves have not yet been released, but according to the article…

Carville Should Shut the Hell Up

I’ve usually agreed with James Carville’s take-no-prisoners method of going after Republicans. Carville has always felt that Democrats need to speak up and speak out strongly against GOP policies whenever they have the chance. He’s written several books on the…

Rush Feeling Sad and Guilty?

Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh claimed that given Tuesday’s election results, he felt “liberated” that he didn’t have to “carry water” for those Republicans who don’t deserve to have their water carried for them. Does this mean Limbaugh will now stop the…

Conservatives Rethink, Regroup

If the right-wing blogs and hate radio is to be believed, there is change brewing within the group of Americans who consider themselves Republican. There is talk that their party has been hijacked by a group of greedy politicians whose…

One More Thing…

When people like Ann Coulter claim that there is no mandate for the Democrats because the Dems traditionally take many more seats during the sixth year of a Republican presidency, she is not taking into account one very important component…