Month March 2009

Secret Memos Finally Released

Back in April of 2008, I wrote a post about the Bush Cabinet creating the torture policy for the United States, and about how the Office of Legal Counsel authorized the use of torture on enemy combatants. I also talked…

If It Sounds Good, Say It!

A former co-worker of mine who has turned into something of a right-wing nut since he came into some money posted this quote on his Facebook page: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough…

GOP Hypocrisy

Looks like Bristol Palin will be raising her baby, Tripp, as a single parent. According to Star magazine (OK, yeah, I know it’s only a tabloid), Palin and her boyfriend Levi are no longer an item and the wedding is…

This Is Your Brain On Drugs?

Rush Limbaugh. Need I say more? Perhaps I will. Surely someone as patriotic and conservative and all-knowing about our country’s history as Rush Limbaugh knows the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution? Apparently not. Here…