Month August 2009

Wait for it…!

I just knew this was going to happen. As soon as Ted Kennedy died, some right-wing nutjob was going to start the Wellstone comparisons. No matter WHAT the tone of Kennedy’s memorial, someone would start telling the story of how…

Isn’t it Curious?

I find it interesting that the states with the most uninsured citizens are the same states that have high percentages of people who believe the lies fed to them about the healthcare bills under consideration. Yes, what a surprise that…


This really needs to stop. Someone is going to get hurt very seriously or killed. Reference my earlier post on this subject. These people are easily inflamed, and don’t listen to reason. It’s time to tone down the rhetoric before…

More Civilized Town Meetings

Yeah, the Democrats are scaring everyone. Mobs? What Mobs? As Monica Crowley says, “Everybody that I’ve seen in these town hall meetings has been respectful.” The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Mob? What Mob?

You just have to love the GOP hypocrisy. Here’s the Republican Party in Texas saying Democrats are trying to scare people by saying that the GOP is assembling mobs to threaten representatives, when in reality it’s just a bunch of…