Month July 2008

Denied, Savagely

Man, the right-wing radio hatemongers really hate it when their words are put up for critical review. Michael Savage was so incensed at the Council on American-Islamic Relations putting up on its website a four-minute sound clip of the radio…

McCain Flip-Flops (Again)

You can add another item to John McCain’s increasing list of flip-flops. This one’s a biggie. You might recall McCain talking about civility, how we need to bring the country together, how the campaigns should be above-board and focus on…

McCain Gets What He Wishes For

Poor John McCain. One minute he’s laughing and joking on his tour bus with the press, and stories abound about how the press loves him. No one challenges him on his many flip-flops, and he’s free to complain about Obama’s…

Liebermann… Again…

Gee, you’d think I went up to a well-known Jew and said that “Hitler was partially Jewish, … that the anti-Christ will be a Jew, … that Jews believed that their spit contains magic healing powers and thus ran around…