Month March 2006

Power of Prayer… Or not…

So you’re scheduled for heart surgery, and someone approaches you asking if you’d like to be part of a study. You ask what the study is about, and the researcher tells you that a cardiologist from the Mind/Body institute near…

Peak Oil is Coming…

I’ve talked a bit about Peak Oil in the past on this site — that’s the scientific fact that very soon (if it hasn’t happened already), oil demand will outstrip supply on a global level. has probably the scariest…

Bush’s Show

George W. Bush held a rare press conference today to talk about what’s going on in Iraq. The press corps were finally asking some tough questions. As always, Helen Thomas was there to ask the most pointed ones, including a…

Spin For Sale

A friend just sent over this link to an article on MSNBC which talks about Bush’s latest “public relations drive” that is intended to sell the idea that he finally has a strategy on winning the war in Iraq. Wait…

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Why is it that the United States’ response to any threat is to escalate it to a level from which it becomes extremely difficult to back down? Is it really wise for Dick Cheney to threaten Iran over its nuclear…

Overturning Roe v. Wade

You just knew it would come to this. All it would take to overturn Roe v. Wade — now that the Supreme Court is comprised of right-wing activist judges — was a case brought by a state that had outlawed…