Month April 2008

Sect’s PR Offensive

A group of men from the Polygamist Ranch down in Texas where some fifty young girls were removed because they were being married off while underage have launched a PR offensive, trying to appeal to the general population of the…

The Wright Dilemma

The New York Times reports that one of the uncommitted superdelegates had this to say about the Obama-Wright controversy: “I’m a little surprised at how much traction it is getting, and I do believe it is beginning to reflect negatively…

Rev. Wright – For What It’s Worth

Some interesting context from the Chicago Tribune : In 1961, a young African-American man, after hearing President John F. Kennedy’s challenge to, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” gave…

Energy Wars

I just read what is probably the most sobering article I’ve come across in years. It’s called, “The End of the World As You Know It,” by Michael T. Klare, and originally appeared at I think it should be…

Hannity’s Questions on ABC News

In answer to Charles’ article below, perhaps even more disgusting than the overall tone of the first 45 minutes of last night’s debate is the fact that one of the questions asked by George Stephanopolous was provided by none other…

We Are a Nation of Children

Coverage in the NYT this morning about last night’s presidential debate starts off with this description: “Mr. Obama was put on the hot seat here in a way we haven’t really seen so much on his “bitter” comments, his not…