Month November 2005

The Last Few Days

Events in Washington the past few days: 1) Rookie Rep. Jean Schmidt, a Republican from Clermont County Ohio, claimed in her very first speech on the House Floor, “I pledge to . . . refrain from name-calling or the questioning…

The Bees Nest

I was on another deadline last night, so I didn’t get to read the news or listen to Air America yesterday. This morning I got an e-mail from my dad saying someone kicked the bees nest in Washington. About the…

No Good Answer

Howard Dean on Meet The Press, when asked by Tim Russert why the Democrats have no coherent plan, no solid alternative to the Republican agenda, essentially said that since the Democrats have not been in power, there hasn’t been the…

The White House and Re-writing History

This is too precious. We all know how Scott McClellan has been stonewalling the press corps in his daily briefings, claiming that he’d “just love to talk about the Plame case,” but that he’s not able to because the ongoing…

Dems Win Big on Long Island

Damn, but if it isn’t just a wonderful feeling when the GOP is, to quote a phrase borrowed from Channel 12 news last Tuesday night, “in shock.” From today’s Newsday: The Democrats’ dramatic gains in Tuesday’s election signal the end…

Legislating from the Bench

You’ll hear that phrase a lot on right-wing talk radio — “Legislating from the Bench.” Neo-cons supposedly don’t like it when judges decide to take the Constitution of the United States into their own hands and interpret it to serve…