Month October 2006

Rush vs. Fox Backlash

The right-wing apologists are out in force to defend Rush’s horrible comments (and actions — you can check out Rush’s mimicing of Fox’s movements here) about Michael J. Fox’s “performance” on several ads for Democratic candidates that support embryonic stem…

How Low Can You Go?

It appears when the GOP gets scared it’s going to lose power, anything is fair game. Anyone remember Willie Horton? How about Osama pictured with Max Cleland? How about using Iraq and/or terrorism as a bargaining chip with the general…

Comments Section

The spambots have been hitting the article comments section of this site pretty hard lately. So far they’ve been caught before anything got posted, but I’m getting tired of having to delete them all in the “moderation” queue every day,…

Takin’ My Country Back

I was just listening to some podcasts over at The Rational Radical and one of them ended with this kick-ass country song by the Honky Tonkers for Truth (that link is a story on the making of the song, since…

It’s Always The Democrats’ Fault

Jack Kingston (R-GA), vice chairman of the House Republican Conference, said on Fox News Sunday that the Democrats were behind the release of information regarding Mark Foley’s predatory e-mails to a page. His words: What I don’t understand is where…