Month February 2006

The Selling of America

It just astounds me, the pure arrogance of Bush and those in his administration. I think he must have thought that this sale of port management to a company from the UAE would just go unnoticed. That can be the…

US Urges Iraqi Church/State Separation

You just gotta laugh, right? Imagine these Christian United States of America going off and telling the Prime Minister of Iraq, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, that we’re not all that jazzed about the fact that “democracy” in Iraq seems to be taking…

“An Open-Air Abattoir”

One of the best lines in George Romero’s “Dawn of the Dead” (the original), was spoken by one of the characters upon picking up a shiny new rifle in a locked-down gun shop inside a mall. “The only person that…

Liberal Christians

A fellow blogger and I exchanged links a while back. I don’t know if he still has my link on his site anywhere, but I’d like to call some attention to a project he is working on. I wandered over…

The Adventures of Dick Cheney

When I first heard that Dick Cheney shot a hunting buddy, and that it took over twelve hours before he was willing to talk to the authorities about the incident, I immediately thought, “he must have been drunk…” This is…

Moving done…

OK, the whole site has been officially moved, and the site’s name has been changed to “Blue State Update.” If you’re looking for hosting, has totally delivered the goods so far. I’m not getting any kickbacks promoting them, I…