Month July 2005

Why Hillary Can’t Learn

The LA Times has an article today about Hillary Clinton’s recent meeting with the Democratic Leadership Council, and how she will be heading up its newest plan, the “American Dream Initiative.” According to the story, Hillary spoke about how all…

Why is Ann So Skinny?

Today I’m looking through a few blogs and I find a comment somewhere that Ann Coulter doesn’t like Bush’s new nominee for the Supreme Court and that she’s “savaged” him in her most recent column online. So I head over…

Poor Security Enforcement at the White House

Just found a couple things over at the Daily KOS. First, a reference to an article where, contrary to what’s being claimed by the right-wing blowhards like Hannity and Limbaugh, Robert Novak claims to Newsday in 2003 that sources came…

Raising the Bar…

So first Bush says if someone divulged classified information, he won’t work in the Bush administration. Then he says if someone outed a CIA operative they won’t work in the Bush administration. Yesterday in Washington he said, “if someone committed…

Who are the REAL Traitors?

Ann Coulter and those of her ilk have been calling liberals “traitors” since I can remember. Traitor=those guilty of treason. According to, the second definition of treason is a simple one — A betrayal of trust or confidence. It…