Month May 2008

The Media is Liberal? Yeah, Right…

Glen Greenwald’s Blog at today uses Scott McClellan’s allegation that the “Liberal Media” let the US down in the runup to the Iraq War as a jumping off point for documenting several events that reveal the whole liberal media…

61% of Historians: “Bush is Worst Ever”

This is somewhat old news, but George W. Bush has finally succeeded in doing something right. He is finally the best at something. Unfortunately for him and his legacy, he has succeeded in becoming the worst president ever (so far).…

“The Fence” = Retarded

The NYT today reported that the (offensively named) Homeland Security Dept is “standing by” its big ol’ southern border fence. I think my headline says it all. The fence is retarded. The policy supporting it bone-headed and racist. Despite economic…

Congestion Pricing Works!

That’s right folks, it seems that Congestion Pricing is already working for NYC! It’s not that we have the Democrats to thank for it though, the NY State Assembly didn’t even see the issue come to the floor. That’s old…