The word “terrorists” has been used more and more lately to describe the small group of GOP congressional representatives who are now holding this country hostage. Now, I have always tried to shy away from hyperbole on these pages, mostly because I think it doesn’t help any argument to get hysterical. I never thought Bush’s crimes rose to Hitler’s — that sort of thing. However, I have to agree with the terrorism comparison when it comes to these GOP reps. They are shutting down government and putting 800,000 families out of work solely because they don’t like that we had several national referendums on the Affordable Care Act and that they were on the losing end of ALL of them.
- In 2009-10 there was the initial discussion and a bill was eventually passed by the House over the objections of every Republican House member and a few Democratic ones as well
- On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law a version of the bill passed by reconciliation in the Senate
- Since 2010, the Republicans in the House have voted unsuccessfully 42 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act, at a cost of approximately $55 million
- In June 2012, a conservative Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate was constitutional
- In November 2012, America voted against Mitt Romney, who had pledged as one of his main campaign promises to kill the ACA
The Affordable Care Act has survived numerous challenges to de-fund it, repeal it in part, or totally kill it.
It is law.
Strange then, that a small minority who claim to live and die by the Constitution would threaten to harm this country by taking it hostage because they didn’t get their way when it comes to the ACA.
Make no mistake about it, this is terrorism. If you don’t believe the government shutdown falls under high crimes, check out this article from Allen Clifton over at Forward Progressives.
Not all terrorism involves the killing of innocent people. Terrorism can be seen as any calculated, and planned, attack on the United States meant to purposefully inflict harm.
Tell me, how is willingly crashing our economy not a “purposeful” act which would harm millions of Americans? How is shutting down our government not a “purposeful” act to harm our nation?
Because President Obama has made it clear that the law of the land as per our Constitution “Obamacare” will not be defunded. So if the Republican responses to that are proposals which include it being defunded, they are then willingly threatening to crash our economy or shutdown our government unless “their demands are met.”
Sounds like terrorism to me. How about you?