Rush’s Rush

So much for all the right-wing whining about how Rush Limbaugh’s medical records were illegally obtained. The Smoking Gun has the search warrant which was used to obtain the records after several arrests were made in the case and two informants spoke up about Limbaugh. Now you too can see exactly what types and massive amounts of drugs Rush was high on all the time.

Interesting that Media Matters also notes that as recently as March 3rd, FOX News had a legal analyst on who claimed there was no warrant and that “[the government] just went to his doctors and grabbed the records.” Gee… Small credibility issue with FOX News? What a surprise!

2 thoughts on “Rush’s Rush”

  1. The issue with the Limbaugh case wasn’t that there was no warrant. The issue was that there was a warrant for medical records. Florida has passed a law that requires a pre-seizure hearing if medical records are sought. Rather than go that route, the prosecutors executed a search warrant as an end-around the preseizure hearing requirement.

    I don’t know the specific context of Napalatano’s remarks, but don’t pretend that there’s no substantive issue here about how the prosecutors obtained the records and what they have been doing with it since then.

  2. That still doesn’t excuse FOX News for not correcting one of their talking heads when he said that “there was no warrant.” It was an outright lie and was never corrected. Other than that, why would Rush let a “commie organization” like the ACLU represent him and his case? I think that’s a little hypocritical seeing as how he has often railed against them.

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