Category Campaign 2008

More Civilized Town Meetings

Yeah, the Democrats are scaring everyone. Mobs? What Mobs? As Monica Crowley says, “Everybody that I’ve seen in these town hall meetings has been respectful.” The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Happy New Year!

2009 couldn’t come soon enough. Here’s hoping it’s a brighter, better, more prosperous one for everyone, and a new start for our country! Cheers!

Palin Takes the Heat

It seems like at least a few Republicans don’t want Sarah Palin to go on to better things in 2012. That’s probably a good thing if they want to be a viable choice for independents come 2004. Check this out…

No Mandate?

Limbaugh and Hannity today suggested that Barack Obama doesn’t have a mandate. Hmmm… Seems to me I recall Bush going on about how he had gotten a mandate after the 2004 elections to pursue Social Security reform. He had “capital,”…