The Commercial – Fuzzy Math?

Senator Obama has said for months that families making under $250,000 will not see a single cent in tax increases from his administration. His website also states this.

Then last night on his 30-minute infomercial, he said he would “cut taxes for any family making less than $200,000 a year.” As he spoke, his words were printed on the screen, very clearly — families making less than $200,000 a year.

At first that sounds like he keeps lowering the number (after Joe Biden said $150K the other day, you have to wonder, right)?

I just checked the Obama tax calculator.

If you enter $200-250K and select no kids, the difference between what you pay now and what you’d pay under an Obama administration is $0. However, if you do select that you have 2 or 3 kids, it does not say $0, it says, “You probably will not get a tax cut under the Obama-Biden plan.”

I’m sure Rush and Hannity will be talking about this all day though as proof that they’ll just keep lowering the numbers. I can hear it now. “Biden says $150,000, Obama says $250,000, then $200,000. Why not $100,000? Why not $50,000? Why can’t they keep their number straight?”

This time, I happen to agree.

You have to keep the phrasing the same. Memorize the number, choose your angle, and don’t go back on it. Do you want to say, “Under $200K will get a tax cut?” Or do you want to say “If you make under $250K, your taxes won’t go up one cent?”

Just pick a number and stick with it.

Or are you trying to give the Republican talking heads something to talk about other than William Ayers and Reverend Wright for the next few days?

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