MSNBC Caves Again to GOP

Well that ends that.

MSNBC has once again caved to pressure from the GOP that it’s becoming “too liberal,” and has yanked Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from political anchor duties.

It seems that the right-wing has a bee in its collective bonnet about MSNBC’s inability to cover up the fact that at least one of its anchors might have a left-leaning view on things. I guess perhaps if Olbermann had called his show, “Countdown – Fair and Balanced,” no one could say anything, no matter how progressive its content.

Right-wingers on the radio have been spreading a lot of fear over the past year that supposedly Democrats want to resurrect the fairness doctrine. When they mention this, they talk incessantly about how the liberals in this country want to shut up the Sean ‘I Lie for a Living’ Hannitys and Rush ‘Oxycontin’ Limbaughs.

But just who is doing the shutting up?

Sean says the Democrats on the radio and television are upset because they cannot compete in the modern marketplace of ideas. Well, here’s MSNBC whose ratings are up substantially over the last convention, probably from folks like me who can’t stand to watch Blitzer or any of the uptight GOP suits over at CNN, and who wouldn’t dare think of turning over to “fair and balanced” FAUX News. And now they’re being threatened by the McCain campaign and they decide to “cut and run” at the slightest hint of controversy.

MSNBC has proven over the past year or so that having a slight progressive bias can work — it can generate ratings. I could watch PBS if I wanted true unbiased coverage, or I could just tune to CSPAN to watch the speeches. The point is, I watch guys like Olbermann and Matthews because they make me laugh, and I enjoy their guests and panelists. Their coverage was entertaining to watch, and I had the feeling that I was tuning in to like-minded people. I’ve read the commentary that says it’s getting dangerous that we all want our “own biased” coverage, but I don’t buy it. I know I’m open to listening to the other side, but I just get the feeling that they don’t want to hear a peep from progressives. So when I’m watching OUR convention or the debates, sure I want the anchors to be somewhat objective — if someone has a terrible speech or poor debating skills, I expect them to say so — but if they’re putting in a dig or two at the GOP in between, I’m just fine with that. And if there’s a little tension between the two anchors, all the better. It’s fun. It’s entertaining. It’s news. I’m watching.

After all, this is TV. I don’t expect hard news. For that, I’ll go to the internet and do some reading.

But it’s over. The Brokaws and Williamses have spoken. They’re embarrassed by their association with MSNBC. As far as I’m concerned, they have their own network (NBC). Why not leave that to the “unbiased” coverage, and let MSNBC take a more progressive tone?

So first CBS was the “liberal” enemy, and now I guess it’s NBC (as evidenced by the chants on the GOP convention floor). This is how they silence the progressives. As soon as someone dares say something bad or challenging about the GOP, the attack is on. “Silence them!”

Well, it has worked again. First Phil Donohue, now Keith and Chris.

Meanwhile, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly can continue their far-right-of-center lies and babble over at the GOP-puppet FOX, and bring on scumbags like Dick Morris and Ann Coulter to just reinforce the lies they tell.

Where is the justice?

I stopped watching MSNBC just after Phil was fired. Now, with Keith and Chris being kept behind closed doors and brought out only for the occasional appearance like some kind of circus sideshow, I guess it’s back to PBS for the debates.

How depressing.

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