Why Bushie Can’t Read

Here’s the problem with electing a guy who “you’d like to have a beer with.” Actually, there are a lot of problems with it, but the key one is that Bush evidently cannot read, or just doesn’t want to. Government agencies spend millions of dollars and lots of time generating these quick briefs for Bush to read (or have read to him), and it appears that every time some kind of imminent danger is approaching, he’s not paying attention. Anyone remember “Bin Laden Determined To Strike Within U.S.?”

The latest is this article in the New York Times that says Bush was alerted by the Department of Homeland Security that “[New Orleans] would probably soon be inundated with floodwater, forcing the long-term relocation of hundreds of thousands of people.”

Three days later Bush appeared in an interview with Diane Sawyer where he tried to answer for the complete and total inaction by government to help the citizens of New Orleans. He offered many excuses, among them, “I don’t think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees.” That was the key… No one anticipated this. Of course, later we heard all the stories about how the budget for finishing the levees had been pushed back and pushed back, amidst the cries of danger from the local representatives living there who knew that there would be serious consequences if a hurricane struck before the levees were finished.

Lies, lies, more lies, and endless coverups to erase the tracks behind the lies. I wonder if the south has finally had enough of Republicans, or at least of Neo-Cons dressed in Republican clothes. Hillary was right. This administration will go down as one of the most corrupt and worst administrations in US History.

So either Bush can’t read, or he doesn’t want to read, or he doesn’t want to be read to. How else can you explain this? That he’s just plain evil and didn’t care if 1300 people died in New Orleans? I can’t imagine that’s the answer. Perhaps it’s just pure incompetence. Bush fiddled while New Orleans drowned.

It didn’t have to be this way. 1300 more families have lost loved ones because some people thought it would be a good idea to have a guy in office who “you’d like to have a beer with.”

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