The Marketplace of Ideas

Interesting that Shepard Smith had to issue a disclaimer after a little chat with Joe the Plumber. It seems Joe was speaking at a rally for McCain and when asked by a person in the audience if he thought an Obama presidency meant the death of Israel, he said he’d have to agree with that.

I’ve heard Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh talk about the failure of liberal ideas, the failure of Air America, the failure of the progressive movement as a whole. The reason they give is that “these ideas just can’t succeed in the marketplace of ideas.”

Well, I have to ask a question then. If these ideas can’t succeed, why do right-wingers always feel a need to distort and misrepresent these ideas in order to prove they are not workable, or that people won’t like them?

I listened to Rush Limbaugh say today on his program that Barack Obama wants to set a limit on what people can earn, and he wants to take money from you if you work hard — anyone who earns over, say, $150K. He wants to take that money and then pick and choose to whom he will give that money from your pocket.

This is the new Republican attack — redistribution of wealth, but a dramatic exaggeration built on distortion and lies. Of course, Obama didn’t help himself by using that “spread the wealth” comment to Joe the Plumber, but these attacks are still a huge distortion of Obama’s plan.

By now you’ve probably heard of Joe Biden’s interview with Barbara West, who seized on the “spread the wealth” attack and directly question Biden about Obama’s ties to Karl Marx. Well, just about anyway. It’s classic stuff, only because West had the gall to go down the Hannity/Limbaugh talking points one by one until Biden was forced to ask if she was joking with him.

She assured Biden these were real questions.

West has become a hero to conservatives everywhere, which isn’t surprising, since she asked questions Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and all the other right-wing talking heads do every day on AM radio.

West defends her motives in this article, which also provides an analysis of the rhetoric West used:

“I did not do the interview to make headlines, but to get answers that people in the street want to know. When I’m doing fundraisers, I see vast numbers of people. My questions were reflective of what they’re asking about.”

Jill Geisler, who teaches ethics and management at the Poynter Institute journalism school, said West has a right to ask any question she wants. “Depending on where you sit, you may say, ‘Somebody finally asked the question I had,’ ” Geisler said. “Others would say it’s loaded language.”

Geisler found some of West’s language hyperbolic and described the anchor as coming from a point of view similar to those of talk-radio hosts Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh.

“I can ask you, ‘Have you stopped beating your wife?’ and say it’s just a question, but there’s an assumption embedded in it,” Geisler said. “There was a world view in those questions.”

Given this “world view,” and West’s denial of it, it’s interesting to note that her husband is a political and media consultant for GOP candidates and that the couple has “emceed Republican fundraisers in the local Central Florida community for at least a decade.”

Wade said she had just as tough questions for John McCain. You can make a judgment call on the truth of that statement by watching her McCain interview.

It’s hard to argue you’re giving both sides the tough questions when your first question for the Republican candidate is along the lines of “why don’t you attack Barack Obama for his associations with ACORN which has been found guilty of registering fake voters?” Similar questions followed, and West’s toughest question was, “Obama has hundreds working for him here in Florida — are you going to cut and run, or are you going to work harder?”

Again, the only way these people can win is by distorting liberal ideas to ridiculous lengths.

There’s a clever little riddle going around as well, about redistribution of wealth. You can read it here. It’s about a guy who decides not to tip his waiter and instead gives the cash to someone “more needy” — the homeless man outside. Of course, the waiter is a progressive/liberal type college student who realizes his ideals are less ideal when he’s on the losing end of the stick.

Ah, the wonderful little clever lessons we liberals are taught by well-meaning conservatives.

I first read this story on a SAAB list I’m on, and one of the more insightful folks on the list noted that “the typical waitress is middle class / working class. The typical homeless guy is lower class. The waitress’ taxes do not go up under Barack Obama’s tax plan, so “redistributing” her tip to the homeless guy is not a valid analogy.”

So again, a tale distorted.

Why not come up with a clever, witty, correct analogy?

Easy. If the clever, witty story accurately reflected the Obama plan, the author couldn’t make his or her point.

So which ideas can’t survive in the marketplace?

Let Her Run!!

Let her run. Let her run in 2012. Go Sarah Palin!

She’s already running, according to recent reports, and throwing McCain under the bus in the process. She’s going off-script more and more, and has even spoken her own mind on subjects like a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. She supports it, McCain does not.

The Huffington Post reports today that it’s likely some of these “off the reservation” complaints are emerging from former Romney aides now working on McCain’s campaign.

The same article notes that the Republican party is in the process of casting out all non-believers. Any conservative who has spoken out against the Sarah Palin pick is about to be purged from the party. David Brooks called Palin a “cancer,” while Peggy Noonan said that the GOP, instead of picking someone who was qualified for the position, “went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives.” According to Jim Nuzzo, a White House aide to the first President Bush, “There’s going to be a bloodbath. A lot of people are going to be excommunicated. David Brooks and David Frum and Peggy Noonan are dead people in the Republican Party. The litmus test will be: where did you stand on Palin?”

These ultra-conservative folks view Palin as the new star of the Republican Party. She is the new Ronald Reagan, who will bring them to the promised land. She will unite the nation in peace, and keep all our enemies at bay.

Um, actually the only people she’ll unite is that extremely small cult of ultra-conservative rural voters in red states. No one else takes her seriously, and in fact, most reasonable people fully dislike her or think she’s dangerous. In a recent Pew poll, 49 percent of respondents had an unfavorable view of Palin, while 41 percent thought McCain showed poor judgment overall, showing just what a poor decision it was to nominate her as his VP choice.

So I say let her run. Let her talk about whatever she wants to, because she’s just sealing the deal for the Democratic nominee in 2012 way ahead of time. She’s just alientating independent voters and more reasonable, moderate conservatives with her inflammatory rhetoric.

Go Palin!

The Latest Obama Smear…

Have you heard the latest one? You know, that Barack Obama is traveling to Hawaii not to visit his sick grandmother, but is actually going there to have a birth certificate forged to prove he is a US citizen, when he really is not (and is, therefore, not eligible to run for President).

Althought Media Matters debunked this claim back on October 14th, last night Michael Savage was still talking about it. He and his guest, some lawyer, said that Obama had not ever produced a birth certificate, even though he actually did, and even posted it on his website. (see UPDATE below)

But then, right-wing radio hatemongers never let something like the truth get in their way.

The first I heard about this was when someone called in to the Ed Schultz show yesterday and said she had been told by a US Postal Service employee that her early vote would just be thrown away. When she asked why, the employee told her that there was a controversy brewing about Obama’s inability to produce a birth certificate, and it would eventually be discovered that he was not a US citizen. And, in fact, he was traveling to Hawaii to try to purge any existence of his Kenyan citizenship and to obtain a forged US birth certificate.


I see from the Media Matters piece that on October 8th, Savage noted (as he did last night) that it was “a leading Democrat from Pennsylvania” who was suing the Obama campaign, claiming he was not a citizen.

I’m wondering if the Savage show is in repeats, because if not, Savage has just been repeating the same old lies for almost a month now.

These folks keep lying and lying — Hannity with his Ayers stuff, Savage with his bogus birth certificate allegation.

Yesterday, both Rush and Sean talked a lot about the “tightening of the polls,” and how things were getting close, that the last debate really had people moving toward John McCain because his “Joe the Plumber” trick was so effective.

Today we find out this so-called tightening of the polls is also bogus.

The numbers are startling. Obama leads by 12 points in Ohio, 11 in Pennsylvania and 13 in Wisconsin. In Michigan, where McCain’s campaign has pulled out, Obama’s lead is 22 points. In Indiana, a strong red state, his lead is 10 points, larger than in other recent polls.

Quinnipiac University also released polls yesterday from Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida that show Obama leading in all three. In these surveys, his lead in Pennsylvania is 13 points. In Ohio, which is a must-win for McCain, Obama’s lead is 14 points.

There may be quibbles with the particular margins in particular states, but the direction of these surveys is consistent with almost all national polls, which show Obama’s lead approaching or slightly into double digits.

The Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll has been holding steady this week, showing Obama’s advantage at around 10 points. Gallup has had it between five and eight points, depending on its model for determining the most likely voters. The Pew Research Center put it at 14 points. The NBCWall Street Journal poll showed a 10-point lead for Obama earlier this week.

I’m not naive enough to think things can’t change before election day, but for Rush and Sean to use one or two polls to say that the contest is now within the statistical margin of error is just intellectually dishonest. Why don’t they say Obama is running away with the lead and you folks are ALL going to have to make sure you get out and vote?

Just as an aside, even though John McCain got a clear answer from Obama in the last debate about ties to William Ayers, he’s still lying on the campaign trail, claiming that  What was that about an “honest campaign about the issues?” Hey John, please check out’s very thorough investigation on the ties between Ayers and Obama if you really need an answer on that, OK? What? No? You aren’t interested? Why am I not surprised? If you feign ignorance of the answer you can keep using it as a campaign tool, right?

But back to the polls and getting people to vote — I continue to be amazed by the Democratic organization this year. Not the “Organization,” capital O, but the organization. Obama ads in video games, massive effort to get those who ordinarily would stay home on election day to actually go out and vote early, etc. There’s a great article over at Salon today about the voting issues in Florida and how Democrats are preparing to deal with it ahead of time. I know the “race is tightening,” and that there are still eleven days until election day. I know that the issue of race — the so-called Bradley effect — could throw these pollsters for a loop. I know that there are a whole host of issues that could help McCain somehow pull this out and win the battleground states.

But I also know that it sounds like the Obama organizational machine is just stunning — that there isn’t a possibile election scenario that it hasn’t dissected, analyzed and planned for.

If Obama somehow loses this election, it won’t be because they weren’t prepared, didn’t answer attacks early enough or forcefully enough, etc.

And if he does somehow lose this election, I don’t know what it would take to elect a Democratic president in the future. I mean when the GOP is reaching new heights of unpopularity and disapproval, when it features a White House team that will go down in history as the worst ever and a presidential candidate that agrees with most of its traditional (failed) policies, when all the cosmic signs are pointing to the Democratic candidate winning in a landslide, being on the “right side of history…” When all that fails, what can you ever believe in ever again?

UPDATE: It seems the birth certificate issue is gaining steam in the right-wing blogosphere. Lots of information over at Atlas Shrugged, although that site’s allegations go way back to July or earlier. Here’s the substance of their claim (empasis not mine):

Barack Obama is not a legal U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between December 24, 1952, to November 13, 1986. Federal Law requires that the office of President requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. Citizen parents. This is what exempts John McCain, though he was born in the US Panama Canal Zone.

US Law very clearly states: ‘. . . If only one parent is a U.S. Citizen at the time of one’s birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for minimum ten years, five of which must be after the age of 16.’ Barack Obama’s father was not a U.S. Citizen is a fact.

Obama’s mother was only 18 when Obama was born. This means even though she had been a U.S. Citizen for 10 years, (or citizen of Hawaii being a territory), his mother fails the test for at-least-5-years- prior-to Barack Obama’s birth, but-after-age-16.

This was the argument presented on Savage Nation last night. Apparently Savage and his guest got a hold of this article. They probably should have read a little further down though, as Atlas posted an update:

UPDATE: Apparently, the above is wrong. Larwyn consulted with legal and she clarifies the law for us: The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 says:

“…a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person…” [Section 301e, {8 U.S.C. 1401} emphasis mine]

Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961.  On August 21, 1959, Hawaii was admitted to the union as our 50th state, which means Barack Obama was born IN the United States.

Section 301a, {8 U.S.C. 1401 says “a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth.  Obama could have been an anchor baby of illegal aliens and could still be President.

Plain and simple Barack Obama is a natural-born American citizen.

Thank you. Now, I assume, we can put at least that part of the crap on the wall to rest. Next up, forgery investigation. The National Review is on the case (of course). A date of November 7th was set for a hearing in Hawaii regarding the matter of a birth certificate forgery. I haven’t read the initial petition, but someone filed for an emergency hearing in front of the Supreme Court on the matter, but the court decided that the person filing for relief didn’t have any “direct and tangible interest in [obtaining a copy of the birth certificate],” and so the original post-election date stands.

Of course, if Obama is elected as POTUS on November 4th, that could set the stage for a Supreme Court showdown where allowing such a proceeding to occur on November 7th “would threaten irreparable harm to [Obama] by casting a cloud upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election.”

Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?

Frivolous Lawsuits

Are not frivolous lawsuits one of the big complaints of the rabid right? You know, I burnt myself on my stove so I’m suing the manufacturer sort of thing?

Odd then to hear Newt Gingrich talking about how Saturday Night Live could be sued for slander over some of the Sarah Palin skits, despite the fact that Sarah Palin herself appeared on the show and seemed to have a good time, and despite the fact that satire and parody are protected forms of speech.

Now, that doesn’t stop the likes of Bill O’Reilly and FOX News from tying up the courts’ time with lawsuits they know they can’t win, but I’d think someone who was a college history professor would know better. But I guess he probably taught at one of those “conservative” colleges like Bob Jones University, which is probably in that “real America” that Sarah Palin keeps talking about. I heard they have different laws there than the “fake, America-hating” states and regions of the country.

McCain Proud of Smears

So much for “an honest campaign about the issues.” How many times did John McCain say that’s what we’d see in this election? I guess when you’re losing, all the rules go out the window.

Now McCain is “letting” the RNC send out a mailer to certain voters in key battleground states that says “Terrorist” on the front, and has a big picture of Obama in the center inside, with the words, “Not Who You Think He Is” on the bottom.

Check it out here. It’s shameless.

The worst part? When asked “if he was proud of the pamphlet by Missouri’s KSDK, John McCain replied, “Absolutely.”

What an honest, decent man this John McCain is…

Hockey Moms and Neiman Marcus

Remember all that talk from the Republican talking heads about John Edwards’ $400 haircut?

Remember all that talk from Sarah Palin about how she’s “just like you?” One of the “good ol’ girls” from rural America? You know, hockey moms and minivans and lipstick and all that stuff?

Remember all that talk from the Republicans about the Democratic Elitists? You know, those “limousine liberals?” Yeah, they’re not like us, are they? With their fancy suits. They don’t care about us, they don’t know us. Now, John McCain and Sarah Palin, they know us. Heartland America. We’re talking Wal-Mart, Home Depot and… Neiman Marcus?

Yep. Turns out the RNC spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin’s wardrobe.

Is there any reason she couldn’t have gotten her clothes at Wal-Mart? K-Mart? Old Navy? JC Penny? You know, places the rest of us non-elitist working-class folks shop?

The expenses include $75,062 spent at Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis and $41,850 in St. Louis in early September. The committee also reported spending $4,100 for makeup and hair consulting. The expenses were first reported by

Wow. $4100 for makeup and hair consulting? Seriously? John Edwards might as well have bought a Flowbee if we’re talking comparisons.

So why did the RNC and not McCain’s committee pay for the accessories?

The 2002 campaign finance law that bears McCain’s name specifically barred any funds that “are donated for the purpose of supporting the activities of a federal or state office holder” from being used for personal expenses including clothing. A quirk in the law does not specifically mention party committees, however.

That doesn’t mean the expenditure would not be subject to a challenge before the Federal Election Commission.

Lawrence M. Noble, former general counsel at the FEC, noted that as a coordinated party expense, the clothing purchase could be considered a contribution to the campaign.

“And if it was a contribution, then it could not have been used for buying clothing,” Noble said. “I don’t know how the FEC would come out on that question.”

As expected, the “former” John McCain spoke out about this sort of thing.

“The use of campaign funds for items which most Americans would consider to be strictly personal reasons, in my view, erodes public confidence and erodes it significantly,” he said on the Senate floor in May 1993.

The McCain campaign says they will now donate the clothes to charity after the election is over.

Should the ticket win, the emperor and empress apparently will have no clothes.