We Are a Nation of Children

Coverage in the NYT this morning about last night’s presidential debate starts off with this description: “Mr. Obama was put on the hot seat here in a way we haven’t really seen so much on his “bitter” comments, his not wearing a flag pin, his support for Reverend Wright, his association with a 1960s radical.

Thank goodness Gibson and Stephanapoulos honed right in on the most pressing issues confronting America today. I’m sick and tired of the side show diversions over ridiculous non-topics like the Iraq war, the failing economy, or the collapse of our health care system.  I mean, really, who cares?? It’s far more important to me to know that our candidate wears a flag on his lapel, wears flag underwear, and is willing to shove a flag up his ass if need be. And then take another big flag and beat the shit out of Rev. Wright with it. Now *that* is what matters in America today. Again, kudos to George and Gibby!

One thought on “We Are a Nation of Children”

  1. Dude, I loved how Obama put that little turncoat George in his place last night. Obama just gets finished with this very eloquent 2-minute speech about how this is all bullshit and just a distraction, and basically answers YET AGAIN all the questions about the Reverend, and what question does George ask next? “Number one, do you think Reverend Wright loves America as much as you do? And number two, if you get the nomination, what will you do when those sermons are played on television again and again and again?”

    Are you fucking KIDDING ME??? This guy needs to be waiting tables somewhere, not be asking questions of presidential candidates. Holy good god, it might as well have been Michaels Savage and Medved up there asking questions. Gibson and Steph just looked totally and completely outclassed. It was almost like some “unofficial” debate done by a little station in Kentucky or something, and nothing like an official network telecast.

    If you go to the comments section on the debate at ABCNews.com, you’ll see at least we’re not alone in being outraged:

    “Shame on you ABC” — “near-disgust with the questions submitted and pursued by the ABC and its moderators” — “It’s called “gotcha” journalism and it’s a sorry substitute for political discourse” — “had to wait 47 mins just to hear a question about actual POLICY” — “Absolutely insulting” — “ABC News, Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos should issue a public apology” — “I am an Obama supporter who wanted to hear more about Clinton at the debate. All I got was Charlie and George attacking.” — “really you should be ashamed of yourselves” — “at a loss for words that captures the incompetency and unadulterated bias that was so shamefully on display from Stephanopolous and Gibson” — “Charles Gibson and George Stephanopolous deserved an award for the worst broadcaster ever.” — “I’d also be interested in knowing why neither George Stephanopolis or Charlie Gibson were wearing flag pins.” — “Apparently the first 50 minutes were geared to the populace the media have helped dumn down. By the time substance showed up most intelligent people were fed up and probably turned it off.”

    These are all individual comments from just the FIRST PAGE of comments on the debate. There are almost 14,000 (yes, FOURTEEN THOUSAND) comments on the debate there so far. Could it be that America is waking up?

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